Wednesday, 16 April 2008

Why I hate the british media

Hate is a very strong word, and it's one I usually reserve purely for describing my attitude towards people who are cuntish.

The British media probably aren't all cunts. I bet there are some of them who are - coke snorting daddies-boys who've had their Porshe's paid for by daddy banker's ridiculous wages he earned whilst pilfering public money. Wankers.

what I'm getting really fed up with is the incessant reams of complete bullwank coming from the British media. I can't turn the TV without being told I'm going to die. I can't turn the PC on without being told about someone else who has died.

Are we (the public) that interested in death, violence and SHIT?

As a proportion of all the people who were alive yesterday in the UK, how many are dead today? 0.001%? Probably less than that. So why is 99% of the news now about death, impending death or something related to death. It's almost no wonder I keep thinking of death, it's pumped into me all the sodding time.

Wouldn't it be nice to turn the telly on and hear some fucking good news?

On the anxiety, my latest update. I've been doing the course with I've come to understand my symptoms much more, and I'm doing better. i've realised that stress level 0 equates to no symptoms, stress level 1 equates to dizziness, stress level 2 equates to a headache and stress level 3 equates to urgency to piss. fuck knows what comes with stress level 4. I've been at level 3 a couple of times over the last week, but I'm sat here firmly at level number 2. Which is good for now.

I have a set of guidance notes and I'm feeling positive about the future for the first time in a while. All in all, life's pretty good this afternoon.


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